Sunday 19 June 2011

Father's Day + PaPa's Birthday

Location: Malacca

Time: Afternoon

characters: Parents, Big Bro, Sis-in-law, Sis-in-law's family, Audrey, Natalie and I

cute cute Natalie and Audrey, GuGu lup yewww~~ >_<

Thursday 16 June 2011


病了4天了, 病情只有惡化沒有好轉..

所以, 我原本美妙的聲音突然變得如此性感..

天啊, 我接收不到咯..

我連走路的力氣都快沒了! >_<

我不停的咳, 不停的咳..

馬不停蹄的咳啊, 拼了老命的咳啊..

看了醫生之後以為會好轉, 結果...

突然好想念遠在天邊的媽媽.. T^T


不過, 我必須學會自己照顧自己, 


那麼誰還會來幫忙照顧呢? = =

但是吼, 我真的拿我這個身體沒轍了啦! T^T

幸好, 明天媽媽就會回來啦! 

於是, 我有救了! 或許明天再繼續這樣惡化下去,


家鄉, 等著我啊!

今天到學校sign up了guitar lesson..

終於踏出第一步啦, 學點新的東西來充實自己..



水喝多多, 最近的天氣變化無常,




Tuesday 14 June 2011



發現到了這個東東.. 簡直就是在扮豬吃老虎嘛~

漢奸, 看你往哪兒逃?! 

被我們抓到了吧?~ XD

於是, 我們狂笑了好一陣子,

coke啊, 你怎麼混到果汁群裡頭去了? XD



Monday 6 June 2011


i seriously wanna go for beast's fan meeting on 1st of July..

but then so much problems came to me..


1st - i dun have enough money.. 

oh well, im officially broke

i need money to cover many things while school reopen..

the vvip need RM500 and the vip need RM388

if buy RM288 or RM188 mia only can see houseflies.. 

buy binocular also no use yet need money either..


2nd - RM388 front place already sold out..

only front seat can see the stage..

not so clearly neither..


3rd - COLORS decided to watch DVD yet going to the fan meeting..

Ash said she wanna book a hotel and watch DVD better than going

Ling agree with it, and she said it is not worth if it is not front seat

only Doggi is going.. but she bought RM500 which is the vvip..

back to the 1st problem.. i dun have enough money..


this is so hopeless and lifeless..

i wanna duet with Seobbie ku again so desperately.. 

money please drop down from the sky~

aiksssss... long way people... long way people...

Saturday 4 June 2011

It's Micky's month~

oh yeah.. it's Micky's month - JUNE!

school reopen.. my holidays officially ended..

i hate assignment! 

sobx.. kinda sad.. T___T

anyways.. today is Micky's birthday..

oh yeah oh yeah~~ *party's music*

will love him forever like usual.. *hiak hiak*

Miss Ripley really awesome! omg, his is way handsome than before..

kya!!!!!!!!!!!!! forgive my 'siaw-ness' *wakakaka*

always keep the faith~ ^_^


sibeh lovely.. XD