i actually forgot about my birthday, until my bro hand me ang po and wish me happy birthday
then i only realize that my birthday is around the corner..
LOL! i've been very busy on interview recently
dozen of interviews i need to attend after working hours and also during Saturday
and yesh, i need to attend an interview on my birthday.. /.\
although they'd offered me the job as Senior Course Consultant (fuiyoo senior~)
but this is not the job that i applied, i applied Ad & Promotion executive actually
but at first i accept the offer but end up i'd rejected.. im so dead~
because i've found an event executive job which offer by another company
which is the first company that i'd applied and finally they've called mew~
and so, i'll going for work on 10th September.. no more jobless oh yeaah!!
back to my birthday celebration..
i did not think of celebrating birthday at first.. seriously i've no mood to celebrate anayway
after interview, i need to bring my lappy for format.. and i go with fuisan
i know she tend to celebrating my birthday.. and yeah, much appreciate she's willing to go out with me
as formatting lappy eat alot of time and we need to wait there for 3 hours plus
have a very short shopping with her~
enjoy the very precious moment with her
love you dear~ (JS gonna kill mew~ /.\)
had our brunch in Nandos
always my Favorited!!
we got similar glasses weyy~ LOL!
had our tea-time @MOF
their desert seriously nice~
le macha ice-cream
can't remember the name of it
anyway, it's taste nice~ macha with red bean = big <3
strawberry ice
can't remember the name as well.. LOL!
it's made by strawberry (obviously)
taste nice as well!
their ice taste so milk~ LOL!
love it too~
after finish my lappy formatting and enjoyable time with fuisan
i've went to puchong to have my second round birthday celebration @kikyo japanese buffet
lol.. really unexpected..
they decided very last minute
drawing from Ling
i have no idea why there's a black line over there..
my 24th yeas old birthday cake
the first and the only one.. LOL!
ash and I
tracy and I
Ling and I
It's been long time..
COLORS always~ w/o doggi.. sobx!
money drop from sky
micky drop from sky
luck drop from sky
had my first Polaroid~
love it so much!
enjoy the day with all my loves one
thank you very much
love you all!