Thursday 26 November 2009

harvest moon~~

no more roti banjir please...>.<

oh well...i was addicted on this game...again...>,<
this game lauched very very very very long ago...
i cant remember how many years ago...
but it is very very berry nice~! >,<
search for the cheat code but i realize tat i dunno how to put it in...>,<
nvm...slowly play's fun when i exploe it by myself not by cheat...
in this gray heart's level turn to RED~~
try to earn more gold by digging mine...
this game really need more patient...
becoz keep on digging mine is kind of boring thingy...
but no choice...for more gold...>,<


ate roti banjir for last two days...>,<
gosh...eating the same things last for two days duh~~
i wanted to become roti banjir d...
no more roti banjir for today pls~~! im begging u~~!!!!


yesterday evening, i was helping mr. Vincent to shift in his stuff into his new house...
but still worth for it becoz his house is really nice duh~~^^


till then~back to my harvest moon...hohox~^^

Wednesday 25 November 2009

i am free...

Holiday yoz!

i guess i will update my blog everyday recently...maybe...
due to my lazyness...i think wont last for 3 days...XD
im lazy to type chinese again u see...>,<


changed my blog songs...
3 languages...which is english, chinese and KOREAN~~


watch entertaiment news yesterday...
they said TVXQ going to break up...
izzit true?? im so worry about it...>,<
i not really know wat happend between sm and them...
but the way sm act was making me frustrated...
how can he treat them like tat?
they were your 'money tree' wei...
using fake sig?? telling ppl to lie on the media??
what's wrong with you?? dont you realise tat how strong was cassiopeia grow nowadays??
aiks...i have totally speechless d...


mr. Vincent shift in all the stuff into his new house today...
im going to help him later on...but mr. long havent wake up yet...
he was kind of pig recently...
play dota until morning than sleep until evening...=,=
he want to be vampire d...=,=


say tio vampire...TWILIGHT SAGA show up TML~!!!!!!!
arrr~~tis is so excited~~>,<
but i dunno whether i can go watch it by tml or not...=,=
since mr.long was busy in shifting house thingy...
aiks...i want to watch NINJA ASSASSIN too~!!!! it's show up tml too~!! >,<
and ya...i havent watch christmas carol yet...>,<
jim carrey act 7 characters inside duh...seems like very intresting je...
and i watched 2010 on monday...
actually we wanted to watch it on saturday
but when i reached mid valley to q up and turn us...
the cashier said already sold out...
than we go on sunday...the same things happen again...>,<
and finally...on monday...we got our tickets...
but also front seat...>,< ham hor...
actually its really worth it..becoz it was so NICE~!!!
i was cry like hell inside the cinema...>,<... cham it is...=,=
mr.long said he cant wait for the AVATAR show up after watched the trailer...
me either...>,<...its seems like very nice je~~
jom watch jom watch~~XD


and ya...tat's was my holiday life...
im going to teach tuition in this holiday too...
actually i was damn lazy to teach...but ms.jess kepo help me to accpected d...>,<
a kindergarten student...emm...not yet kindergarten actually...
going to be a kindergarten kid...which live near by my house...
one month RM150, one week 3 days, and 1 day 1 hour...
aiks...wish the kid wont bully me...wish me luck...T.T

Tuesday 24 November 2009

waiting christmas yoz~

but still no plan for it...T^T

ok...bad news...
for the not the choosen one...
so...continue my GSTT life...
aiks...long way ppl...


christmas is around the corner~
i cant wait for that day~love christmas yoz~!!!
changed my blog theme to christmas d...
everyone was talking about buying christmas present for another one...
and ya...i already bought it...hohox..


mr. Vincent's new house almost done~!!
they shift their stuff in by tml...
i love the house decoration...
it is very nice and colorful...
and long's room was in purple color...
eeee...damn sissy...XD
cant let him see this...if not i'll get kill!!>,<


mum coming back this saturday...
which is mr.Vincent's house open day as well...
so...i cant attend to the open house becoz my mum sure wont allow...
aiks...dunno she will allow or not if jess go with me too?
but most probaly no...becoz it is so far away(for her)...
and i guess she wan me to accompany her for the 1st day she come back...
oh choise...sorry mr.Vincent~
and wants me to meet his grandma on tat day...
luckly i got excuse no going...>,<
im not ready to meet his whole family yet duh...
we just get started half year nia lar~~>,<


boring recently...
no planning for my vacation also...
aiks...mayb on9 everyday?
mr.long said he found RO2~~
well...i guess tat's my vacation plan...
RO everyday...hohohohox~~~

Saturday 21 November 2009


good luck to tracy~^^

after half year 'school life'... long vacation~!!!
so i've renew and updated my blog recently...


first of all...good luck to Tracy...
she's in SPM now...hope she will get flying colors result~!
hehe...but i still saw her on9 everyday...
hahax...anywayz...she still can get flying colors result although she's on9 everyday during exam period~
i know she can do it~hohox~~


secondly...thx to kelu...
she seems like everyday visit my blog je...>,<
although i didn't renew anything she still dropped sumthing in my chat box...
thx to makes my blog seems alive...^^ and mandy...
i owe them birthday present~!!!
the presents still sleep inside my car boot...
dunno when i can give it to them since last time they were mad on me...
aiks...i really busy tat time duh...


and resit paper...
arrr~~tension tension tension~~
hope i can pass this time...
although it's still got one and a half month...
but i still feel damn pressure...>,< gosh...


finally...elaine and cloudie...
i miss u two wei...
elaine never contact me since she get a bf...>,<
cloudie was like dissapear d...
call no pick, sms no reply...
haiyoo...where you've been larr???


anyway...still dunno my KDC result yet...
if i pass...than no more holiday for me afterwards...
i have to go training for every holiday...sobx...

Monday 16 November 2009

My students

class 3U

say goodbye to my dearest students...
since you all move to morning session so we cant meet next year...
anyways...i will miss you guys becoz you're damn CUTE~!!
wish you all the best and remember me...^^






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Wednesday 11 November 2009

po-po-po-poker po-po-poker game...XD

give me 1M please...>.<

everyone was addicted on this well as i am...
actually it is just a gamble game tat apps in facebook...
but kind of shock when win lot's of chips exp when u sekali win 1M...XD

well...Mr.long summore using RM10 to buy 2M just for this gamble game...
im totally swt about this...but he'd gave me 100k for tat...hahax...

who bring us to this game??
tat noh~~~~
all is faulth...haiya~~my works arr~~~>,<


Monday 9 November 2009

jess's birthday bash~!

consider surprise?

using lot's of time for thinking surprise to her...
but at last she said she d knew it...
arr...this is so perasan...if know better dun do anything than just let it be...
so i also lazy to type out wat kind of surprise i'd gave her...
aiks...kind of dissapointed...'s surprise really surprise her...
not only her...and also us...
he purpose at her birthday~ho ho...really unexpected...
i tot he will purpose on valentine's day tim...>,<
emm...i not really know end up she got say yes or not...
but she was wearing the ring all the time...
it is means....yes???
but she said just wearing...doesn't means anything...
hmm...but i think the answer is yes larr...
hmm...wat do u think??




后来因为我的嫌弃(>,< 我好坏)所以他又把月饼收回,

burger burger

Sunday 8 November 2009

Ninja's birthday yozzie...^^


sorry for the late post ya...
but i know you did enjoy ur birthday night...
hey hey...ONS nice bo? XD
i'll skip the clubbing nite becoz i did not attend tat...^^

so...we went to the seri kembangan...emm...not really rmb the steamboot shop name
but the foods is really nice...i love all the foods there...totally NICE~!!!!
although i oni eat tom yam favor and bbq...>.<
after that we went to wangsa maju, mr.yu and mr.sheng's house for the CAKE~
hey hey hey...he never know we already prepare a cake for him... time~

happy face...but...dun larr show tat finger...>.<




Ninja and the cake...^^

RUDE dou~!!!

dai b yu

end up with Ninja eat cake happilyssSSss

p/s: my car masuk longkang(in front of mr.yu and mr.sheng's house) was hurt man~!!! i never know there have a longkang...SHIT~!!

Saturday 7 November 2009





