Sunday, 31 July 2011

Mitchell 21st bday bash!


27th July 2011


preparation start from 26th July 2011 till 27th July 2011 evening 


Grand Kampar Hotel, Kampar


Mitchell (main), Amelia, me, Mei, Chloe, LayHwa, Qi2, Rebekah, Plus, Ken

editorial message: 

i had use up 2 days for the picture editing.. 

seriously killing me.. 

we had capture almost 400 pictures in a day, should be say in a night.. 

my eyes gonna pop out d.. >_<

anyway, i seriously enjoy the night,

although after that i got discussion of Pengajian Malaysia's drama

but, i enjoyed the air-con in the hotel room,

hiak hiak.. miss it vewy much! >_<


ps: i've rest my case~! oh yeah!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Dinner at Shunka

dinner at Shunka just now..

I've ordered western food in a japanese restaurant.. 

I'm such a clever girl~

that's why the food are taste like that.. sobx!

regret.. I've should know that.. T^T

anyway.. over all still okay.. 

went to McD for my choco top after that..

yeah, I'm going to fat die recently!! >_<

the restaurant

the interior design

the Ring /.\

the dinner

p/s1: my phone camera seriously tak boleh pakai..

p/s2: i miss my DSLR.. >_<

p/s3: im going to die on the mid-term test tml early in the morning.. >_<

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Amiko's 21st birthday bash!

location: Fully Well Hotel, Kampar

date: 20th July 2011 (11pm --> suppose is 10pm, but then everyone was late, so the party delayed till 11pm.. >_<)

main character: Amiko + Edmund, we all are kelefe.. XD

the room 618..

Fully Well Hotel

the guys... speechless.. they're just too love the air-con in the room.. XD

the birthday girl~

the Hello Kitty's cake

confession of Edmund - song title - 你是我最深愛的人

the couple of the day

interviewing.. XD

the view from the balcony of the room..

p/s: happy birthday in advance~ Amiko~ ^_^