woot! watched Child Eyes finally, in 3D!!
expensive like hell eh because we watched it on weekend...
RM21 per ticket, i can have a nice lunch in Pyramid d...
the movie is quite ok, but we watched with a bunch of 'idiot'
sorry for the mean word, but i can't find any others words to describe them...
they screamed from the beginning till the end...
especially those girls.. i dunno which part of it deserve a high tone screaming...
Ashley and I were like... WDF?! this kind of stuff oso scream to heaven down to hell...
walao, more chicken than Chris... LOL~ no offence... >_<
but seriously, they're really pissed me off... =3=
i think the girls was just only wanna caught their bf's attention...
after watched Child Eyes,
we went to bought ling's present...
we bought a cheery's headset in Full House at first while having our lunch at there...
we were like get trapped, because we din realize that Tony's Fav. Meal is not available on weekend..
so, we spent more money to have our lunch than our expect...
so bad, i can't drink my mushroom soup... miss it so so much!
back to the present...
we spent lot's of time just to find a PURPLE's cup
hahahax, actually we plan to buy chocolate
but end up we still stick with cup.. hahax!
sorry to let Ling waiting for a long time,
but she did enjoyed her shopping spree~ hahax!
next, we go to cupcake's shop to buy cupcakes to Ling...
special huh? i knew she will love it definitely... wakaka!
wrote the words myself, and it's really delicious~ teehee!
glad to hear that she's really love the cupcakes as her birthday's cake~
we spent our time at Gasonline...
ate chicken chop as our dinner again...
argh, i ate 2 chicken chops today, woot!
and we bought doggi's birthday present as well~
i'm not going to mention about the present since doggi havent receive yet...
so... end of the journey! wakaka!
ohya, i bought 3 pieces of Beauty Diaries
because i've no small change for the car park fees... =3=
aikssss... kind of sad... LOL~
my picha is sucks without my DSLR... SOBX!!!

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