
p/s1: <你能聽到我的心嗎> 裡頭的張俊賀/奉馬陸(長大后的)和之前和COLORS們迷的IzStillNotInColor裡頭的Isaac好像哦! >_<
went for dinner with Ling and Ashley..
sibeh full now..
i've empty my stomach from the morning until the evening..
fat arr fat arr...
i realize that i'd always forgot to take picha while dating with COLORS
omg.. i tot of took some picha of the food
but end up forgot.. aiks.. im OLD!!! T^T
thanks to Ashley for questioning about the "pork free" stuff..
i laugh till my stomach squeeze with others organ..
yeah right, i (pork) quite free inside the shop eh..
i've walk through all the food corner and ice cream places..
woot.. sibeh free lorr~~ XD
anyway, such a nice steamboat buffet with my ji muis~
too bad Tracy busy on shifting house
and doggi still "stuck" in penang? hahax! >_<
although we still vewy upset about the TVXQ! thingys..
but still won't affect the heart of mine that loves Micky
haizz... another sad legend story again..
long way people~~ long way people~~ tada...
discussion inside McD this afternoon...
brunch at there as well..
surprisingly all of us bought 'double double' set,
it is becos we r too starving d... XD
anyway, we r 'double double' McD fans~
ngek ngek ngek!
we're loving it~
ps1: for my frends who will taking MUET exam tml.. good luck and all the best! ^_^
ps2: luckily my room is x float after raining cats and dogs.. phew..
我需要時間, 需要時間來忘卻之前的難過...
而且還是我第一次來學校, 彷徨無助的時候所認識的朋友...
老實說, 我很信任他, 很重視他, 真的真心把他當成很好很好的朋友,
但是, 到後來換來的卻是如此沉重的指責和責備..
我所做的一切一切在他的眼裡原來都是如此的不堪, 如此的一文不值..
但是, 有必要這樣么?! 我殺人了么我?!
這件事情對我來說, 真的是我人生中很大的傷害,
面對他的時候, 我的心裡其實還是刺痛著的...
說我小氣, 說我小心眼吧...
朋友們, 給我時間吧,
或許明天, 或許後天, 或許明年...
還是那句, 給我點時間,
星期天, 原本應該睡到自然醒, 然後再伸個懶腰, 再然後當宅女的日子...
但是, 今天, 我因為個講座會的原因, 放棄了睡到自然醒的機會...
不過, 由於講師還不錯的關係,
重點是, 講師是位遊輪的captain,
他說"傳說絕對是騙人的, 百慕達三角洲裡頭除了有很多個龍捲風之外(?!), 其實也沒啥好害怕的.."
可是他貌似不大相信這些傳說, 於是我把這個問題給吞回肚裡去了...
啊, 我只能說, 因為講師的幽默, 今天我們都笑瘋了!
我也好想和他一樣航海周遊列國去!!! >_<
爲什麽其中百慕達三角洲裡頭其中一個島嶼叫做Virgin Island?
因為它和Miami隔得蠻遠的, 所以它還是個Virgin.. XD
這就是講師的黑色幽默之一.. XD
oh well.. actually i'm quiet shy to post this..
but end up i decide post at here..
as a sweet memory.. on my white day..
on 14, March 2011, Micky had sent a video for me..
oh well.. i was freaking excited after received his video..
and i seriously freaking happy for the whole day..
really unexpected and this is the best white day i've ever have!
[Trans] Today...is White Day....so I want to say st to you...there're st i want to say...
Nothing much but... is my feeling... I like/love you... for a long time...
Yeah, maybe I look a bit shy... coz I'm confessing (my love) to you in White Day, just like other guys.
You and me... It's necessary to know more abt each other, but in this time/ process... I want us to know more abt each other as lovers.
From now on, I'm in your hand... belong to you... let's start a good relationship, my darling.
[reply form me] dear, i know you love me for a long time.. because either do i..
maybe im not a good girlfriend but i'll be the good partner that you've ever had..
i know we're perfect for each other..
so... you're my man form now on~
nadoo saranghae~ >////<
teehee~ ^_^