Thursday, 29 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
LAST paper of the year..

Thursday, 15 December 2011
December, ALOHA~

Monday, 28 November 2011
Twilight Day~

Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Monday, 7 November 2011
i HATE journal article and assignment..
finding journal can be difficult.. very very difficiult..
it's made my stress all the way long..
i HATE u journal.. = =
my life is so miserable because of journal..
aikss... FML..
Sunday, 6 November 2011
random stuff from last week..
OMG, pixnet had ate my post!
i'd just post it just now but then end up nothing been post..
/.\.. WTH?! i need to retype it again?! /.\
it's kind of busy last week..
too many things happen in the time..
and yeah, Octorber ended and hello November.. ^_^
`my phone spoiled.. i can't click in to menu so that it's unable to text and call. so, my dad sponsored me a new phone. yeah, another new toy.. i'd finally got a samsung phone, not galaxy S but ACE.. love it tough.. thank kew daddy.. this is my first smartphone and it's android! oh yeah~ my life became so convenient because of the phone. and Ash bought the same phone with me.. i brought her to the shop that i bought and we've bought a same phone and same package.. LOL! another jimui phone with COLORS.. last time my phone was same like Doggi and Tracy.. now is Ash.. wakaka.. oh yeah, my phone is so superb till i can't imagine.. XD and now.. im so familiar with QR code.. XD
`shooted MV and posted on youtube. please help me to click a LIKE as your LIKE is my assignment marks.. ya, i know im kind of idiot in th video.. so please click a LIKE instead of view it.. /.\
`Ling and Doggi are loving the blog that we've made for her birthday.. it's seriously took us lots of time to done it.. so it's nice when heard that you're love it and cried for it.. wakaka.. glad to hear that.. ^_^
`sushi king bonanza.. went twice of the period.. each of the time ate 10 plates.. and yeah, i know im kind of big eater.. XD
`meeting, meeting, meeting, assignment, assignment, assignment.. i HATE this sem seriously.. >_<
`student bill paid.. it's so expensive compare with others.. /.\
`grow fater, fater, fater and fater... T^T
`Micky, Micky, Micky and still Micky.. my new phone is all about Micky.. XD
i love you NOVEMBER, and i know you love me too
so please treat me well ya~ ^_^
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Happy Halloween~

Friday, 28 October 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
I'm so bunny~

Saturday, 22 October 2011
so SMURFs~
lalalalalala sing a happy song~
i'd finally watched the smurf!
forgive my outdated..
i've been too busy recently..
seriously i'd now finally realize that im actually a final year student..
what the smurf, i'd hate meeting!!
Friday, 21 October 2011
Monday, 17 October 2011
COLORS reunion!
i'll always remeber the date.. 16th Oct 2011..
COLORS finally met in 5!!!
spent happy days with my girls..
although tired but i'd seriously enjoyed the day that we've spent together..
love you girls..
but then i've no mood to type all the stuff out..
and no picha sharing as well..
i've lost my lovely cam..
and all my nice pichas gone!!!!!!
i'd seriously dunno how to express my feeling now..
lost my camera was like lost my whole entire life..
im sad not because i'd lost my camera
but the moment that i've captured had gone...
sorry girls.. T______________T
for more information,
kindly proceed to ash's blog...
i've no mood for any updates now..
till then..
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Unknown mood
seriously moodless recently..
because my vacation gonna end soon..
means, my results goona out either!
i still dunno how to face my bad result this sem.. /.\
and ya, i seriously miss the time in Bankok..
can the time stop there? obviously no.. T^T
god, please bless my result..
at least pass..
i seriously dun wanna retake.. /.\
i'd actually quite busy on something recently..
cannot tell yet..
wait till the day..
i'll post it here..
dun ask me,
because i won't tell..
i'd seriously love the things that we've made..
till then..
p/s: can't wait for SNSD new album, The Boys.. the girls are turning prettier.. Sunny's hairstyle had success to wow me.. XD
Sunday, 2 October 2011
ma new toy~

Monday, 26 September 2011
Hello Bangkok! 你好曼谷! - 5th day 第五天

Sunday, 25 September 2011
Hello Bangkok! 你好曼谷! - 4th day 第四天

Saturday, 24 September 2011
Hello Bangkok! 你好曼谷! - 3rd day 第三天