Tuesday, 25 January 2011













p/s1: 看到COLORS開學積極學韓文, 我也有股衝動想要馬上選讀韓文科目.. >_<

p/s2: Wild bunny 還有熱血男兒終於能在PPS收看到了.. 萬幸啊, 看了百遍也不覺得厭倦..

p/s3: 我寧願高傲的發黴, 也不要委屈的談戀愛! 

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Dream High


omg, i've addicted to this drama..
it is way nice than i thought! 
really really omg~
<3 everyone in the drama!
and i seriously scream like crazy while JYP appear! XD
besides, bae yoon-joon and kim hyun-jung also appear either!
waiting for episode 6 now.. PPS faster upload.. >_<

Dream High

This is the story of youths becoming top global stars which could take place in the not-so-distant future.
You may have the looks, talent, personality and even a respectable private life, but it's still tough to rise as a successful star. Here is a group of youths who are still up for this daring challenge.
They all have a single weakness barring them becoming the ultimate top star. The weaknesses wouldn't be an issue or an inconvenience to an ordinary person, but they are detrimental to a pop star.
One girl sings superbly but her appearance is not the best to stand before the TV camera.
Another student has the looks and musical talent but has a distorted, prejudiced view of the world.
There are others who have amazing talent but an unsophisticated fashion sense.
Each of these students have managed to pass the exam and enter Kirin Arts High School to begin headlong the challenge of becoming a top superstar.
The characters maximize their unique talents and overcome their weaknesses.
They fall, trip and fail which only boosts their confidence.
The ridicule and scorn they are used to will one day turn into cheers and support.
The underdogs and the losers will fly up high and their story will be an inspiration to young viewers.

p/s: i seriously cry because Adam Couple had leave WGM.. T________T.. how sad it is~ argh! they're so meant to be together! hope they're become real in real life.. JoKwon and GaIn.. Hwaiting! Adam forever! ^_^

Sunday, 16 January 2011



不自不覺.. 我的1個月的假期,到此結束..
淚奔... 貌似沒怎麼的過... 我不依~~
但是... 這個假期,真的真的結束了!

搞得活蹦亂跳的.. 啊.. 慘了慘了..

明年就希望能夠退休, 希望我能夠順利的畢業..
所以.. 希望我自己能夠爭氣一些,
唉.. 一言難盡..






Friday, 14 January 2011

Digi Live Kpop Party 2011


actually i only get the ticket at last minute..
platinum zone, RM175..
LOL~ why? thanks to JH's luck~
reached there around 6pm..
ling and doggi reached almost the same time..
woot~ doggi came from penang just for the 1 hour concert..
and she back to penang at 12am.. LOL!
thumbs up for the doggi's passion! XD 

i taught i could take my seobbie's picha all by myself..
but end up the guard din let me bring in my camera..
how sad it is.. aiguuuuuuuuuu...
seriously.. i hate the guard!
so.. who ever ask me to take picha for them..
i'm vewy sorry.. blame and curse that guard bah~ XD

seobbie still the cutest ever!
i keep on screamed to grab his attention but end up he din look at me..
aiguuu.. sad case..
finally i duet with his "i don't knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~"
ashley, dun envy me k~ XD
and i end up fall in love with doo joon~
tracy gonna kill me!!!
omg, he is way handsome than i taught!
kya~~ summore take out his jacket and showed his muscle..
really omg omg omg omg omg and omg...

although it's only 1 hour..
but i did enjoy the party..
hope more and more korean's artist will come to malaysia soon~
especially 2pm.. lol~
I'll be back~~~


Tuesday, 11 January 2011














Tuesday, 4 January 2011

仙後們,我們不是應該堅持的么? Don’t we have to be strong , Cassiopeia ?

RT chertalay

On Tuesday 4th January 2011, @neenini said:

Don’t we have to be strong , Cassiopeia ?

If it’s JYJ…
If’s HoMin…

Who cares ?

What does SM want now ?
They want Cassiopeia to fight with each other so TVXQ will not have anything left.
HoMin had a very, very few works for a year. They weren’t appeared on television or radio at all and SM has just brought them out.

Because of what ?

It is because SM know exactly that although HoMin don’t litigate in case but their hearts belong to the other 3 members.

Please remember this Cassiopeia. 
HoMin are still under SM so they don’t have a right to do anything.

We don’t know what is the real story.
We don’t know how it is behind the scene.
We don’t know what Jaejoong ,Yoochun,Changmin,Yunho and Junsu had to go through.
We don’t know what will happen in the future.
We never know.

But there are many things we exactly know.

We know Kim Jaejoong loves the other 4 members and he loves Cassiopeia.
We know Jung Yunho loves the other 4 members and he loves Cassiopeia.
We know Chim Changmin loves the other 4 members and he loves Cassiopeia.
We know Kim Junsu loves the other 4 members and he loves Cassiopeia.
We know Park Yoochun loves the other 4 members and he loves Cassiopeia.
We know Dong Bang Shin Ki loves Cassiopeia.

We know there was a time Yunho leaned on Jaejoong’s shoulder to cry..just because he didn’t want other members to see his weakness.

We know there was a time Yoochun wrote a message and hid it behind the little prince’s computer named Chim Changmin. 

We know there was a time Jung Yunho carried Junsu’s unconscious body on his back to the hospital.

We know there was a time Jaejoong looked at Yoochun all the time when he found out a few minutes before the show that Yoochun was sick .

We know there was a time Yunho looked after Junsu all night when Junsu was sick.

We know there was a time Jaejoong dancing with tears on his face when Yunho was poisoned.

We know there was a time Jaejoong’s face was badly pale when he saw our leader collapsed as he drunk a glass of orange juice.

We know there was a time Junsu picked up the wallet for Yunho and Jaejoong had to pick up the wallet for Junsu because Junsu forgot his own.

We know there was a time Junsu cried behind Yunho’s back.

We know there was a time Yunho protected Junsu by his strong back.

We know there was a time when finished concert our leader cried with delight with Jaejoong.

We know there was a time Yoochun cried because of the rumour that Jaejoong would be dismissed from TVXQ.

We know there was a time Yunho said ‘Without our fans,we'd be nothing.'

We know there was a time Yunho said ‘TVXQ is just like a family,a home.No matter how far we're separated,we'll come back together one day.'

We know there was a time Changmin said ‘Whatever the five of us go through, together we can get through it without any fear.

We know there was a time Yunho said ‘Even until the time for us to go our own separate ways,the name TVXQ will not disappear. Each member is still TVXQ.

We know there was a time Junsu said ‘ If Jaejoong is sick, it is as if TVXQ’s leg is sick, and if Changmin is sick, that means TVXQ’s arm is sick. 

We know there was a time Yoochun said ‘If our friendship could last forever, I don’t need anything else. ‘

We know there was a time Junsu said ‘Cassiopeia… who wait for us wherever we go and always give us an unwavering love… You are the reason why TVXQ exists.'

We know there was a time Yunho said ‘No matter how far we’re separated, we’ll come back together one day. ‘

We know there was a time Yoochun and Changmin said ‘Without Yunho, there would be no TVXQ.'

We know there was a time Junsu said ‘If one of the members leaves the team, I will not stay in TVXQ anymore. ‘

We know there was a time Yoochun said ‘Our support for them (HoMin) will never change.'

We know there was a time Jaejoong said ‘Yunho and Changmin frequently appeared in our dreams ‘ 

We know there was a time JYJ members said ‘it will take time but definitely they will be ONE again.

We know there was a time Yunho sacrificed his bed for Jaejoong. 

We know there was a time Changmin had only one wish that Jaejoong recovered as normal.

We know there was a time Changmin sang high vocal to help Yoochun when he had an asthma attack.

We know there was a time Jung Yunho protected everything about Dong Bang Shin Ki.

We know there was a time Park Yoochun sacrificed everything flying from the USA to be Dong Bang Shin Ki. 

We know there was a time Kim Jaejoong did everything to be Dong Bang Shin Ki.

We know there was a time Kim Junsu tried his hardest to be Dong Bang Shin Ki.

We know there was a time Chim Changmin endured everything to be Dong Bang Shin Ki.

We know there were many times Dong Bang Shin Ki told us to wait for them.
We know there were many times Yunho said ‘they loved us so much.
We know there were many times Dong Bang Shin Ki said they were so sorry for making Cassiopeia waiting for them. 
We know there were many times Jaejoong always said that ‘Could you wait for us,please ?'
We know there were many times Yoochun cried for Cassiopeia.
We know there were many times Junsu gave angel’s smile to us.
We know there were many times Changmin bowed very low to thank for us.
We know there were many times Changmin said seriously ’They loved us.’.

We know there were many times they promise to us through the song.
We know there were many times they were proud of Cassiopeia.
We know there were many times they protected cassiopeia.
We know there were many times they relied on us.
We know there were many times they trusted in us.
We know there were many times they saw only us.
We know there were many times they needed us.

We know there will be a million times they say to us “ Thank you… sorry… I love you”

We know there will be a million times we say to them “I’ll wait…don’t cry..I love you’”

We know how close to each other Dong Bang Shin Ki is.
We know there are a million things that didn’t typed down.
We know there are much more harder things …but they never say.
We know at this time… at this moment… they cannot do anything.

If there are people who leave, there are also people who stay. We don't need to be 800,000 to be happy... [ cr:tohosomnia]

How much we hurt cannot compare to them.
If we start to fight with each other… then SM’s plan is succeeded.

‘Always keep the faith’ don’t say this if it’s not come from your heart.
Cassiopeia always be one and be here for Tong fVang Xien Qi.
No matter what happens , we have to be here for them.
Promise me …. Please, with your heart.

for those who support JYJ but don’t support HoMin or support HoMin but don’t support JYJ do not called yourselves ‘Cassiopeia’ because Cassiopeia love five of our boys as equal.

I wrote this article about a few months ago..and just translated it in English .I’ve never thought I have to translate it in English before but after that thing happens .. I have to. 
-Please spread this article as much as you can. 
-Translate it in your own language it you can

I translated it hurrily so sorry for my bad English.
And last..
I spent 3 hours writing and typing this so don’t make it wastes my studying time [Changmin will scold me ^^ hahahahaha ! ]

credit ; a cassiopeia 
[I wrote this by assembled from many sources , so sorry for some missing 


always keep the faith!! >_< 

shopping day

狂跳2PM<i'll be back>'s bunny dance!

哇,真的是大出血了說~~ 囧!
啊.. 每次每次,這樣問題都一直圍繞著我..
哎依古.. 人生到底要面對多少的掙扎啊?! T__T
超值得的! 而且還印有2pm girl的字眼!
呀~~~~~~~ 簡直發狂了說!!
再一次,狂跳2PM<i'll be back>'s bunny dance!


短褲上的2pm girl~! i'll be back~~~~~



again~ i'll be back~~~~ XD

p/s: 最近十分勤勞的更新部落格的說! 掌聲鼓勵鼓勵~ XD


Monday, 3 January 2011

Magic 7


於是,我翻開了被我擱在一旁已久的Magic 7..
哎依古.. 不行,不行,我得重拾我對小說們的熱忱才行!
九把刀啊,久違了! 我覺得不會錯過你的新作品噠!

我喜歡Magic 7的故事鋪成..
Magic 7,其實是個咖啡廳...

嗯... 對於我的未來,我依然模糊..
是這樣么? 因為當時我沒反抗,只是心有不甘..
爲什麽? 爲什麽我還沒嘗試你就說我不行?!

你們會說,哎依古.. 怎麼活得那麼老了,還不知道自己到底要的是什麽?
嗯... 坦白說,當初我會選擇這科系,其實只是不想要碰觸到數學,
於是,我就這樣念了如此多年... 囧吧?

無論如何,活得開心,才是王道,不是么? ^_^

當然義氣最重要! ---瑪麗 <瑪麗外宿中>

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Otaku's life

<3 ever~

back from IKEA and bought some furniture in LDP furniture shop..
finally i can have a bed~ LOL!
although neither round nor princess style..
but still i love it vewy much~ ^_^

enjoy staying at home seriously..
stay away from the crowded people..
my mum seriously hate packed mall,
that's why we just hang around IKEA but not the Curve and IKANO
jamming for sure.. parking hard to find..
i hope my car can become a toy car,
then i can just put it inside my beg and carry around..
it's really frustrated while finding car park and there's no place for you and still jam there
end up have to pay the parking fees but i din even park a place yet..
=3=.. LAME!!! 

just changed my blog's theme and the widgets..
i realized actually my namjassSssSss not that much.. XD
at least still can fit into my blog..
and ya.. i cut down many of them seriously.. XD
for those i din put in, not becoz i not that interest on them
is becoz i not that love them.. XD 
yeah, i admit that im flower..
changed songs either..
<3 those songs~
hope you enjoy the songs that i've choose
kpop still the ROCKS!!!

i wanna be a billionaire~ so freaking bad~ XD



Saturday, 1 January 2011

happy new year!


time flies~
goodbye 2010 and hello 2011..
im OLD!!!
kind of sad~

yesterday night i was so siaw about the KBS drama awards and MBC Gayo Daejun..
really omg omg omg and i keep on walao walao walao..
and i spammed my fb and twitter with my siawness..
please forgive my nuts and crazy stuff yesterday
it's been a long time i din do such thingys~ LOL
and yeah..
i've fall in love with Micky again and again and again and again..
it's great to see him in success with his drama..
keep it up and always keep the faith! <3 ya always~ ^_^

din manage to celebrate this year..
learn from the experience on Christmas..
better stay at home and get away from the packed mall and crowded people..
i was slept for a long time from yesterday until now.. LOL~
hope everything will be going well on 2011
especially on my studies..
seriously.. i need luck so badly.. >_<

that's the way i pass my new year~


Cornetto ROCKS my life~ XD

happy new year everyone! ^_^